- Jakarta. The Social Ministry reveals four program plans to boost the protection and social insurance for the disabled in 2025.
"In order to provide protection and social security to people with disabilities, the Ministry of Social Affairs in 2025 is planning four programs for people with disabilities," said the Minister of Social Affairs.
He said that 11.42 percent of people with disabilities still live below the poverty line, around 71.4 percent of people with disabilities still work in the informal sector, and 50 percent of school-age children with disabilities have not been able to receive proper education.
Therefore, he hopes that a series of good program plans can improve the welfare and quality of life of people with disabilities.
The first program plan is a free nutritious meal program twice a day for 42 thousand people with disabilities, the implementation of which involves community groups.
Second, his party will include 428 thousand people with disabilities as beneficiaries of the Family Hope Program (PKH) social assistance. The Ministry of Social Affairs will also include 588 thousand people with disabilities as beneficiaries of the BPNT Program (non-cash food assistance).
Finally, the Ministry of Social Affairs will also provide social assistance (bansos) Social Assistance-Rehabilitation Program (ATENSI) in the form of various equipment needed, such as hearing aids, wheelchairs and other assistive devices to 69 thousand people with disabilities.
In addition to the four planned programs, his party will also provide social habilitation and rehabilitation programs aimed at restoring social functions as their role.
"The Ministry of Social Affairs will also implement an empowerment program to help people with disabilities become more empowered and independent," explained the Minister of Social Affairs.