- Banjarmasin. The South Kalimantan Regional Police, Inspector General Rosyanto Yudha Hermawan visits the Security Post and Public Kitchen in Banjar Regency and Banjarbaru City to secure the commemoration of Rajab 5th, 1446 Hijri year, which falls on Sunday (1/5/2025).
The location visited by Hermawan and entourage are Sekumpul 4-way Intersection Post, Banjar Sub-regional Police HQ, South Kalimantan Regional Police SPN, Banjarbaru ULM, and Banjarbaru Sub-regional Police.
The visit was to check on personnel preparation in providing the best service for the people, particularly in maintaining security and order during the event. Hermawan also took his time to talk with personnel at the field and gave them motivation and direction.
South Kalimantan Regional Police Public Relations Chief, Senior Superintendent Adam Erwindi says that 1,600 police personnel deployed to secure the event with the help of 32,000 volunteers.
Moreover, 43,000 security and service posts also have been established while the health posts from the Health Division of South Kalimantan Regional Police were established in cooperation with the ULM Faculty of Medicine and Health Office.
"For the public kitchen, the South Kalimantan Regional Police have prepared 3 places located at the Banjar Sub-regional Police, South Kalimantan Regional Police SPN, and at ULM Banjarbaru," said the South Kalimantan Regional Police Chief.
With a bigger mass coming to celebrate the Rajab 5th of 1446 Hijri year than last year, police have made a thorough and big anticipation to ensure the event goes safely and securely.