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Strengthening the Relationship of Two Institutions, INP PR Division Chief Welcomes the Visit of TNI Head of Information Center

By Cpiet Kamis, 25 Januari 2024 Pengunjung (12) 3 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id – Jakarta. The Indonesian National Police (INP) Public Relations Division Chief, Inspector General Sandi Nugroho welcomes the visit of Indonesian Military Force (TNI) Head of Information Center Major General Nugraha Gumilar and his entourage at INP Public Relations HQ on Thursday (1/25/2024). “It is an honor and privilege to be visited by the TNI Head of Information Center and entourage,” says Sandi in his welcoming remarks. On that occasion, Sandi invites Nugraha and entourage for small-tour inside the INP Public Relation HQ, from mini conference room, command center, SPIT and Media Hub, mini theater, TB News and INP, and also Polri TV. Police Inspector General Sandi also explained the on-going programs of his party. With various new challenges appeared amidst the technology advancement, INP Public Relations Division aims to execute their programs digitally. “For 72 years, INP Public Relations Division continue to strive for innovation to keep up with the rapid technological advancement. One of the said innovations is the application of Humas Presisi which we have seen together in the war room,” says Sandi. Moreover, Sandi also told that the PR portal which he considered as a huge mansion. He explained that the portal is integrated with all the social and online media of INP PR Following their meeting, Inspector General Sandi hopes that in the relationship between INP PR Division and TNI Information Center Division would continue to get stronger. Sandi also conveys his gratitude for the continuous support TNI given to INP. “We hope the relationship of TNI-INP, particularly TNI Information Center and INP PR Division, will grow stronger as we continue to collaborate in sharing information and education to the people. Moreover, I pray that we together could become the cooling systems for the 2024 General Election security,” prayed Sandi. The TNI Information Center Chief Major General appreciates what the INP PR Division did. Nugraha says that the leadership of Inspector General Sandi Nugroho in executing PR programs should be commended as the work force and the technology have been integrated. Nugraha also assessed that the digital literacy has become of one of the must-have skills during current era. People has to be taught to be wise in the internet and not to be easily provoked. Furthermore, TNI-INP also welcome every critique and suggestion in effort to improve their service to the community. Moreover, TNI-INP continuously present amidst the community as its protector and guide. “I saw the collaboration TNI-INP in lower ranks have always present amidst the society to ensure that we are there for them and ready to provide public comfort and safety,” says Nugraha. In the future, Nugraha hopes that the chemistry between the two institution, from the lower to the highest ranks, is getting stronger, particularly during the 2024 Election phase. Nugraha adds that TNI-INP are optimistic that the election security would be done optimally to realize a joyful and safe election. (ad/ay/pr/nm)
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