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Papua Regional Police Chiefs Reinforced Damai Cartenz Task Force and Mobile Brigade Unit to Restore Order in Sugapa

By Cpiet Kamis, 25 Januari 2024 Pengunjung (13) 1 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id – Papua. The Papua Regional Police Chief, Inspector General Mathius D. Fakhiri told that his party would reinforce Damai Cartenz Task Force and Papua Regional Police Mobile Brigade with more members to restore order in Sugapa, Central Papua, following the ambush by the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) since Friday (1/19/2024). “Currently our force, both in Damai Cartenz Task Force Papua Regional Police Mobile Brigade, are already in Sugapa, so we expect tomorrow or two days from now the situation would return to normal,” says Papua Police Chief on Thursday (1/25/2024). The Two-Star General reveals that according to the report, the shooting by KKB on last Wednesday (1/24/2024) was still heard. Due to the incident, people forced to evacuate and the regional economy was forced to halt. Security apparatus was in stand-by to anticipate another ambush. “Restoring order in Intan Jaya must be done quickly considering that in the next 25 days we have election to be held in here. We have to make sure the election logistic distribution is safely distributed to Intan Jaya Regency,” said Fakhiri emphasizing the importance of restoring order in Intan Jaya. (ad/my/pr/nm)
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