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Sugapa District KKB's Cruel Mode of Recruiting Members, By Force…!

By Cpiet Kamis, 29 Oktober 2020 Pengunjung (40) 2 Mins Read
Jakarta - The Indonesian National Police revealed the role of a member of the Armed Criminal Group (KKB), Rufinus Tigau, who was involved in a firefight with the Nemangkawi task force in Kampung Jalai, Sugapa District, Intan Jaya Regency, Papua on Monday (26/10/2020) yesterday. Rufinus and his family, including Catholics, were obedient in the village, who then went against the family because of the KKB force. Head of the Public Information Bureau of the National Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Awi Setiyono, explained that the Rufinus Group had indeed become a DPO in pursuit of the Indonesian National Army - the Indonesian National Police (TNI-Polri). Because the KKB in Jalai area often makes people nervous. "Rufinus Tigau is a member of the KKB. This armed group has indeed made people in Jalai village nervous. They like to take people's property and don't even hesitate to kill, ”said Awi in his written statement, Thursday (29/10/2020). Awi then revealed the facts about Rufinus's cruelty on the part of his family when the stepfather involved was named Antonius Abugau. An interview with the Nemangkawi task force with Antonius said that Rufinus had indeed changed since joining the KKB group. "From the information of Rufinus' stepfather, it is true that his stepson has changed since joining KKB. This group always robbed, threatened the youth of Jalai village and even killed the tribal chief around last August, because they defended the women selling in the market which was oppressed by them. " said Awi imitating Tiei Rufinus' father's statement. Rufinus Tigau's younger brother, Juius Abugau, also admitted that he was sincere about the death of his brother during a firefight with the TNI-Polri. According to Juius, in his statement to investigators, that his brother had joined the KKB since 1 year ago. “The Rufinus family is sincere but angry and afraid of the KKB group because of their bad character. Sadness and shame because their child joined the KKB, troubling the local community, "he said.
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