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Suhartoyo Elected as New Constitutional Court Chairman

By Cpiet Jumat, 10 November 2023 Pengunjung (8) 1 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. A significant shift has occurred within the Constitutional Court with the election of Suhartoyo as the new Chief Justice on Thursday (9/11/2023), replacing Anwar Usman, who was removed from office by the Constitutional Court Honorary Council (MKMK). Constitutional Court Deputy Chairman Saldi Isra announced, "This marks the selection of Suhartoyo as the future Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, while I'll continue my duties as Deputy Chief Justice." According to antaranews.com, the appointment of the new chairman occurred during a closed-door meeting of judges, following the Constitutional Court's regulations, employing a consensus-based approach. Judge Saldi revealed that nine constitutional judges attended the session. After discussions, two candidates emerged for the role of Chief Justice: Suhartoyo and Saldi. Suhartoyo and Saldi deliberated on assuming the positions of Chairman and Deputy Chairman, while the other seven Constitutional Court judges briefly exited the meeting room. Upon reaching a decision, the remaining judges returned and collectively endorsed the agreement. The inauguration of the new Chief Justice is set to occur at the Constitutional Court building in Jakarta on Monday (13/11/2023). (mg/inp/pr/nm)
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