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The bridge in Banjar collapsed, the Trans Kalimantan Banjarmasin-Martapura route broke

By Cpiet Minggu, 17 Januari 2021 Pengunjung (161) 2 Mins Read
Martapura - The main bridge on Jalan Ahmad Yani Km 55, Mataraman District, Banjar Regency, South Kalimantan, collapsed again. As a result, the Trans Kalimantan National Road connecting Banjarmasin, Martapura, and Banua Enam has now been cut off again. The main bridge was actually repaired into an emergency bridge by the South Kalimantan PUPR. However, now the emergency bridge has collapsed and is unusable. Mataraman Police Chief Iptu Widodo Saputra said the damage to the bridge at the point of Jalan A Yani Km 55,500 occurred on Sunday (17/1/2021) at around 04.00 WITA. The bridge is now impassable for road users. "This bridge can no longer be used and crossed by public transportation. It experienced a landslide and a complete break. The bridge collapsed, both from the direction of Banjarmasin, landslides about 4 meters and from the direction of the Hulu Sungai landslides about 5 meters, for the time being it cannot be passed by traffic flow," said Widodo Saputra, Sunday (17/1/2021). He said previously that the repair of the oprit on the bridge was still temporary by installing iron plates by the South Kalimantan National Road Repair Agency (BPJN) and the Kalimantan River Basin II. He said that because the traffic was quite dense, the newly repaired bridge was damaged again. Road users are asked to pass another alternative route. Meanwhile, the Regional Secretary of Banjar Regency, Mokhammad Hilman, said that the handling of the damage to the Trans Kalimantan bridge for the second time would be carried out immediately. Because, he said the bridge is very important for transportation to a number of districts and cities in South Kalimantan. "Yesterday, a sheet pile was installed on the lifted bridge oprit because the damage to the bottom of the oprit was widened due to eroded water so that the bridge could not be crossed by people or vehicles," he said. Due to the cut off of the main Trans Kalimantan road, a number of residents who wanted to travel to the city of Barabai had to cancel their intention. In fact, residents intend to send food and clothing aid for flood victims in Barabai, Hulu Sungai Tengah. "Forced to fail again to Barabai. In fact, we wanted to go to Barabai to meet with our families and bring a number of basic necessities and clothes, community donations to be distributed to flood victims there," said one resident of Kompleks Mandiri Permai Banjarmasin, Yasin.
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