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The Chief of INP Will Selectively Apply ITE Law

By Cpiet Selasa, 16 Februari 2021 Pengunjung (162) 2 Mins Read
Jakarta - As the government opens up space for criticism and suggestions, the Chief of INP General Listyo Sigit Prabowo will be selective in implementing the Information and Electronic Transaction Law or ITE. INP took this step to avoid any attempts to report each other using articles considered rubber in the Act and the perceived criminalization using the ITE Law. "To ensure that the use of articles that are considered rubber articles in the ITE Law, of course, have the potential to later be used to report or report to one another, or better known as criminalizing under the ITE Law, can be suppressed and controlled," said the Chief INP General Listyo Sigit after the TNI-INP Leadership Meeting at Rupatama INP Headquarters, Jakarta, Monday (15/2/2021). The former head of regional Banten Police emphasized that his party would prioritize education and persuasion with restorative justice measures. "The use of cyber and digital space can run well, but he noted that social media must comply with applicable rules and ethics," said the chief of INP. "The ITE Law is also a note that in the future we can carry out law enforcement selectively by prioritizing education, prioritizing persuasion and then we are trying to take restorative justice measures," concluded the Four-Star General.
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