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Dirlantas Polda Jambi Praised the Officers of Security and Service Posts for Their Duties

By Cpiet Senin, 09 Mei 2022 Pengunjung (7) 1 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id – The Director of Traffic Unit (Dirlantas) of Jambi Regional Police (Polda Jambi), Commissioner Dahfi gave his appreciation to the personnel and officers on duty at the Service and Security Post, as they help smoothen the traffic of this year’s homecoming. In his activity, Dirlantas Polda Jambi immediately went down to check the service posts and security posts in the Muarojambi, Batanghari, and Sarolangun regencies. "We visited the posts at Citra Raya Muarojambi, Simpang BBC Batanghari, and Singkut Sarolangun Security Post," said Dirlantas Polda Jambi. That there are several directives related to preventing issues on the road, such as patrolling and implementing strategies when there is a potential for traffic jams. "Don't wait for traffic jams to happens first then you applied the strategies. Still carry out the strategies that you have prepared because we still have the return flow to handle," said Dirlantas Polda Jambi. At the same place, Dirlantas also reminded officers to always vigilant in order to pevent traffic accidents. "For travelers who feels tired or sleepy, you should get some rest at the existing service posts," stated Dirlantas Polda Jambi.
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