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The State Palace Infiltrator Allegedly Connected with Terrorist Organization

By Cpiet Kamis, 27 Oktober 2022 Pengunjung (8) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id – The Head Ops Special Detachment 88, Commissioner Aswin, said that the lady who tried to infiltrate the State Palace, Siti Erlina, was suspected of having ties to the Hizbut Tahrir (HTI) organization and the Indonesian Islamic State (NII). This allegation is based on the results of a preliminary examination by analyzing Siti Erlina's social media accounts. "At the initial examination, we are still trying to analyze the connection between her and the existing network. We want to find out what her motivation is. We are investigating the case beyond her motives," said Aswin, Wednesday, October 26, 2022. Aswin said Siti's social media was connected to several accounts indicated belong to HTI and NII. Siti also often interacts with two members of NII Jakarta, namely BU and JM. "Where BU and JM are known to have pledged their allegiance to Amil NII," said Aswin. Aswin then continued that BU is the husband of Siti Elina. BU serves as Treasurer of NII North Jakarta. Meanwhile, JM is the one who teaches Siti. "Therefore, this handling involves the law of counter terrorism. We will continue to work side by side with the Metro Jaya Police to explore this case," he said. The Director of General Criminal Investigation of Metro Jaya Police, Commissioner Hengki Haryadi said his party had named Siti Elina as a suspect. "We constructed it with the 1951 Emergency Law concerning illegal possession of firearms," said Hengki. In addition, the police also applied Article 335 of the Criminal Code to Siti Elina. "We are also constructing Article 335 of the Criminal Code because there is physical and psychological coercion, so officers must take firm, measured, and humane actions," he said. Hengki added that Siti Elina connection leads to radicalism. "After we conducted an investigation, it turned out that the suspect was indeed influenced by radicalism," he said.
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