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TNI-INP Community Service Helps Flood Victims in Keerom

By Cpiet Jumat, 19 Februari 2021 Pengunjung (158) 2 Mins Read
Located at the Keerom Resort Police Apple Field, Apples have conducted community service activities to help communities affected by floods in Keerom Regency, Thursday (18/02). The activity was led directly by the Head of Operational Department Keerom Resort Police Senior Inspector Yoan Febriawan, S.I.K, accompanied by the Main Officer of the Keerom Resort Police by Keerom Resort Police personnel, The Mobile Brigade of Papua Regional Police, Indonesian Military (TNI) personnel. In his direction, the Head of Operational Department of the Keerom Resort Police said that in the context of INP and TNI's concern for the people in the Arso area and its surroundings that were affected by floods, we would carry out community service activities. Three target points will be cleaned, namely in Sorong Village, St. Parokis Catholic Church. Willibrodus, and Yanamaa Pir Village 1. Because there are three places, the Indonesian Army, Navy, and INP are divided into three groups that have joined in it. We carry out this activity to help clean up the residences of people affected by flooding due to the rain that hit for several days, and the targets are garbage and mud due to inundation. After the landing, the divided personnel move to the designated points. The personnel involved in these activities were 336 joint TNI-INP personnel.
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