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Transportation Ministry Invites All Parties to Improve National Logistics Ecosystem

By Pramudita Senin, 09 September 2024 Pengunjung (30) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Ministry of Transportation invites all parties to strengthen and improve the national logistics ecosystem.

Director of Traffic and Sea Transportation of the Transportation Ministry, Hartanto, said that to reach the goal, his party has issued various regulatory products.

"As the government, we aim that our regulations will be able to support or apply business processes in the logistics world," he said, in a written statement on Saturday (9/7/2024).

He also emphasized that the main role of his party is to connect regions in Indonesia. In realizing this, he said, facilities and infrastructure are needed, as well as cooperation with stakeholders related to the national logistics ecosystem.

"Clearly, until now we have continued to strive to work well with existing stakeholders. We try to coordinate and communicate. Without coordination there is no national logistics ecosystem whose output can be accepted by the community," he explained.

Meanwhile, Pertamina International Shipping CEO, Yoki Firnandi, welcomed the invitation from the Ministry of Transportation. In fact, his party has transported 160 billion liters of energy throughout Indonesia in 2023.

However, he notes that this initiative is inseparable from various challenges such as weather conditions, human resources, and safety.

"But these challenges can be faced well so far because we are committed that there are no such thing as ‘scarce’ in this country," he explained.


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