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Two Policewomen Represents Indonesia in IAWP Conference

By Cpiet Kamis, 15 September 2022 Pengunjung (10) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - Indonesia sends their delegations to the 59th International Association of Women Police (IAWP) conference which took place on 12-16 September 2022 in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. At the conference, which was attended by representatives of 70 countries, Indonesia sent a delegation consisting of 12 active policewomen accompanied by two retired policewomen generals, namely the Inspector General Juansih, Inspector General Apriastini Bakti Commissioner Hendra Wirawan also accompanied the team in these activities. Two policewomen from the Central Java Police took part in the Indonesian policewoman delegation team. The two policewomen include the Head of the Central Java Police Medical Treatment, Commissioner Sumy Hastry Purwanti and Magelang City Police Chief AKBP Yolanda Evalyn Sebayang. Commissioner Sumy Hastry Purwanti revealed that the Indonesian delegation team was very enthusiastic and got a lot of new knowledge in this IAWP conference. She also explained that this conference raised the issue of how policewomen in the world build connections, strength and develop the art of leadership. "The focus of discussion in this conference is about how policewomen around the world build their relationships so that they could have a strong connections and build mutual strength and professionalism, while also able to The IAWP conference in Ontario also encourages the creation of an inclusive environment where policewomen can be respected, valued, and able to develop their unique talents. "It also discusses how to build our mental and physical in a healthy way, while also develop our skills to quickly adapt in every situation," she added. As with previous conferences, the IAWP conference in Ontario also recognizes female police officers who are successful in carrying out their duties innovatively and persistently in providing the best service to the community. manage themselves and their personal lives," said the Forensic expert.
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