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Village Minister Invites Local Figures to Support the Development of Disadvantaged Regions

By Cpiet Senin, 22 Juli 2024 Pengunjung (9) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration (PDTT Ministry) Abdul Halim Iskandar invites the traditional figures from various regions, such as Papua, to help join the development of remote areas.

Halim says as the guardian and the enforcer of value and norm, traditional figures also have an integral role in consolidating the mass to support the regional development program.

“We are very proud as Papuan People’s Assembly is here, where their regulations are based on their cultural norms. Hopefully that would be the best solution for the Papua development acceleration,” says Minister Halim on Thursday (7/18/2024).

Furthermore, Halim explains that all parties in Indonesia each have their role in determining their future, including in accelerating the development of disadvantaged regions.

The development of disadvantaged regions requires objective and accurate strategy for efficient funding and effective results.

Moreover, Minister Halim highlights that thoroughly planning for the development strategy is important as it would determine the role of the government and its people. The two parties, said him, must be able to execute their role optimally and collaborate in realizing a fair development.

“In principle, this is our responsibility. Our responsible, so that the regional development can be accelerated, so that the gaps between regions can be suppressed,” says Minister Halim in his remarks.

In the future, Halim hopes that the new government would continue the effort in developing regions of Eastern Indonesia. This effort is also in line with the vision of President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo of Indonesia Centric.


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