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West Java KPU Distributed the 2024 Regional Head Election Ballots

By Pramudita Kamis, 31 Oktober 2024 Pengunjung (138) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Cikarang. West Java General Election Commission (KPU) has officially distributed ballots for the simultaneous 2024 Regional Head Election.

Head of West Java KPU, Ummi Wahyuni, says that her party has taken steps to ensure that the distribution goes smoothly and on time. She also adds that her party also targets that 70 million ballots will be delivered to 27 regencies/cities.

"The distribution locations for ballot papers are at Gramedia Cikarang and Gramedia Rancaekek, which will serve all districts and cities. Today, we are starting delivery for five districts/cities, namely Subang, Cirebon City, Kuningan, Banjar, and Pangandaran," she said on Sunday (10/27/2024).

During the Kick Off of Ballot Mail Delivery in Cikarang, she also reminded all regencies/cities to ensure that ballot storage warehouses are safe from disaster risks, such as floods and fires.

She also emphasized the importance of coordination with Bawaslu and security forces during the delivery process.

"We really hope that our colleagues can maintain operational standards during the delivery and receipt of ballots at their respective logistics warehouses. This is an important step to ensure that everything runs smoothly according to the provisions stipulated in the PKPU," she explained.

With all the preparations and coordination done, the West Java KPU hopes that the distribution of these ballots will run smoothly and safely.


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