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West Lombok Police Identify Chinese Nationals in Illegal Mining

By Admin 1 Rabu, 04 September 2024 Pengunjung (53) 1 Mins Read

 Inp.polri.go.id - Gerung.  The  West Lombok Police Office  in West Nusa Tenggara have identified Chinese nationals suspected of involvement in illegal gold mining in Sekotong. 

Senior Inspector Abisatya Darma Wiryatmaja, the West Lombok Police Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit, said on Tuesday (3//9/2024)  that authorities have been tracking the whereabouts of the 15 suspects.

"We have their names, but we’re verifying their identities to ensure accuracy. We're still searching for their current location," he said, as quoted by antaranews.com.

The police worked together with the Immigration Office to confirm these identities.

The case is linked to the investigation of a mining camp fire allegedly operated by the Chinese nationals. The case has stepped up to the investigation stage, with sufficient evidence collected.

The police have seized two transport trucks, an excavator, chemicals such as carbon and cyanide, and ten large metal cylinders as evidence, currently at the West Lombok Police Office.



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