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XXI PON Media Center Will be the Information Center for Journalists

By Pramudita Minggu, 01 September 2024 Pengunjung (29) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Medan. The preparation continues to be solidified as the XXI National Sports Week (PON) in Aceh Province and North Sumatra looms. In its preparation, officials prepared a Media Center which will support journalists to cover the biggest sporting event in the country.

The Head of Supervisory and Steering Committee of XXI PON Media and Public Relations, Raja Parlindungan Pane, says the registration for journalists to cover XXI PON was open since August 8th, 2024. As of now, 579 journalists have registered to cover the sporting events in North Sumatra, while 563 journalists have been registered to cover the event in Aceh.

“It is important to implement a strict standard to ensure journalists can do their duties professionally during the event,” said Raja in a written statement on Friday (8/30/2024).

He invites all parties to work together in delivering the best news to the people. The XXI PON, according to him, is not only a sporting competition event, but also an important moment to strengthen cooperation and state unity.

“PON is the peak of national sporting competition whose goal is to produce a world level athlete from Indonesia. We want to strengthen our unity in order to achieve the best achievement,” says Raja.


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