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Attempts in Regaining Public Trust

By Cpiet Senin, 07 November 2022 Pengunjung (8) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id -  Seeing the Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo eating together with other police officers, showed that there are no boundaries and differences between the General and his subordinates. Moreover, he sat down in the grass along with other personnel. It was clear that there are a sense of unity in the Police in those particular event. This definitely boost the spirits of the personnel in carrying out their duties in international event. According to Rahmat Edi Irawan (Lecturer of Communication Studies of Bina Nusantara University) there are still those who said that those are gimmicks, both for the National Police Chief and for the Polri institution. Moreover, this was done at a time when public trust in the Police had decreased to its lowest level, due to various problems and issues in the institution, such as the Sambo case, the Kanjuruhan Tragedy, and the online gambling case involving the police general, which damaged the credibility of the Police in the eyes of the public. They think that what is being done is just an attempt by the Police to fix their image. Of course, they do not understand the meaning of boosting the spirit and close cooperation in events that have high stressors for members in the field. So, it's okay if they thought that everything that the Police did is just a gimmick, and its completely fineif a person or an institution displays something good and positive to the masses. However, many people do not understand that good reputation cannot be build in just a day. Building a good reputation requires process that takes time and consistency. In addition, good reputation is not just a mere gimmick, but it is an embodiment of what or who they are. Police are certainly very aware, there is no solution that could instantly fix their problems. For the Police, they still need to work hard and work smart, to continue to improve their reputation in the community, and that is what the Police will continue to do, improve themselves as well as create a positive image in the community.
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