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BI Educate Students in IKN of QRIS Digital Transaction

By Pramudita Sabtu, 02 November 2024 Pengunjung (195) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - IKN. Policy Analyst of the Directorate of Basic Services of the Nusantara Capital City (IKN) Authority, Panggih Raharjo, saw that youths must master the utilization of the latest technology. In realizing this goal, Indonesian Bank educates the students in IKN on digital transactions.

“They are the future residents of IKN, thus we introduce them this early about our currency, which has become the pride of us too,” says Panggih on Thursday (10/31/2024).

In making them aware about Rupiah, Indonesian Bank held a socialization program of QRIS (Quick Responses Indonesia Standard) Digital Transaction Literacy. One of the socialization activities is towards the students of State Senior High School Sepaku 3.

“Our expectation is that they would get a better understanding regarding the role and duties of Indonesian Bank. Moreover, we hope that they would be proud and understand the currency of our country and also the use of QRIS,” says Faris.

Faris says the advancement of digital technology makes it easier for people to do money transactions. Currently, there are many merchants that have implemented the digital transaction methods or cashless transactions.

“We have projected this method since five years ago when we released the QRIS transaction method to ease the economic activity in public,” adds Faris.

QRIS is a national QR code standard used for payments in Indonesia and developed by Bank Indonesia. With a practical and easy payment method, QRIS has commonly used by the youths nowadays.


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