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BI Supports Asta Cita Program by Stabilizing Indonesian Economic

By Admin INP Kamis, 23 Januari 2025 Pengunjung (147) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Bank Indonesia gave its full support for the government programs implementation in Asta Cita. The support shown through various strategies, which includes maintaining national economic stability amidst global pressure.

The Bank Indonesia governor emphasized their commitment to maintain stability of the rupiah exchange rate, monetary stability, and the financial system with the Financial System Stability Committee (KSSK).

"Our commitment is to ensure that our exchange rate is maintained, which is in line with regional currency movements, even though the US dollar continues to get stronger," said the BI Governor on Wednesday (1/22/2025).

Bank Indonesia continues to intervene in the foreign exchange market through spot transactions, forwards, and purchases of Government Securities (SBN) from the secondary market.

"BI this year will buy maturing COVID-19 SBN worth approximately IDR100 trillion. We are even committed to buying more than that figure if needed," added the BI Governor.

Bank Indonesia continues to intervene in the foreign exchange market through spot transactions, forwards, and purchases of Government Securities (SBN) from the secondary market.

"BI this year will buy maturing COVID-19 SBN worth approximately IDR100 trillion. We are even committed to buying more than that figure if needed," added the BI Governor.

BI also continues to strengthen their collaboraton with the Ministry of Finance. Together with the Ministry of Finance, BI supports fiscal financing through debt switching mechanisms or bilateral debt exchanges.

"Indonesia is the best example where fiscal and monetary policies is always in harmony," said the BI Governor.

In supporting the real sector, BI has distributed incentives of IDR 295 trillion through the Macroprudential Liquidity Incentive Policy (KLM).

Bank Indonesia also optimizes the role of 46 representative offices throughout Indonesia to support the food downstreaming program and inflation control.

With these various strategic steps, BI hopes that the implementation of Astacita can provide a significant positive impact on the stability and growth of the Indonesian economy.


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