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BPOM Intensifies Monitoring to Prevent Recurrence of Acute Kidney Injury Cases

By Admin 1 Kamis, 26 September 2024 Pengunjung (71) 1 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Dr. Taruna Ikrar, Head of the Food and Drug Monitoring Agency (BPOM), announced that the agency will tighten monitoring of pharmaceutical products to avoid incidents like Acute Kidney Injury in Children (GGAPA) to eliminate contamination from harmful substances, such as ethylene glycol and diethylene glycol (EG/DEG), which have been linked to these cases.

“To prevent future occurrences, BPOM is committed to stricter regulations. We will increase sampling instead of just relying on label checks,” he said  during a Focus Group Discussion in Jakarta (25/9/2024).

After collecting samples, BPOM will analyze them in laboratories to ensure the safety and efficacy of medications, determining whether they can be produced, as reported by antaranews.com.

Ikrar emphasized that the agency will enhance inspections of Good Manufacturing Practices (CPOB) at both central and technical units.

He acknowledged that the GGAPA cases were due to industry accidents during drug production but confirmed that BPOM follows rigorous operational standards. 



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