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Central Java Regional Police Establish Neutrality Post Across the Province

By Cpiet Jumat, 02 Februari 2024 Pengunjung (11) 1 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id – Central Java. The Central Java Regional Police have established Neutrality Post in 35 regencies and cities across the province. The post will be stationed by the police and military for 24 hours as they are ready to hear various reports and complaints from the community. Police Senior Superintendent Stefanus Sataku Bayu Setianto, the PR Chief of Central Java Regional Police, states that the posts have officially operated since January 26th to February 20th. The posts were established at strategic locations and will be guarded by joint security personnel for 24 hours. Furthermore, according to Stefanus, each Neutrality Post will be guarded by three squads of police and military which will guard the post in shift. Each post will be equipped with communication facilities such as HT and phones. Each post will have its own contacts, and people are welcome to visit the post to register the contact to their phone book. The establishment of neutrality post also demonstrates the commitment of Central java in maintaining conduciveness of the region during the 2024 General Election. This also to uphold the neutrality of police and military during the election. (ad/mz/pr/nm)
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