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Dealing with Roads that Begin to Congest, Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Regional Police Plans to Add Odd-Even Sections

By Cpiet Rabu, 13 Oktober 2021 Pengunjung (6) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The level of community mobility in Jakarta is increasing, as can be seen from several roads that have started to jam when the Level 3 Implementation of Community Activity Restriction Enforcement (PPKM) is implemented with some existing easing. We see this condition, Greater Jakarta Metro. Regional Police is discussing adding an odd-even scheme on several roads to suppress and control the rate of community mobility. It is still just a discourse, just planned. However, with the current situation, easing is correlated with increased mobility. "If there is an increase in mobility, like it or not, we will add a gage section to control this road section," explained the Head of Sub-Directorate for Law Enforcement, Directorate of Traffic Security, Greater Jakarta Metro. Regional Police. The Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police said that based on brief observations, it was found that the roads that applied the gage, namely Sudirman street, MH Thamrin street, and HR Rasuna Said street, were still being monitored slopingly. Meanwhile, for other roads, the average number of vehicles has increased. However, the Head of the Public Relations Division has not been able to say how many and which roads will be the targets of the gage implementation because they are still waiting for suggestions from several parties and the level of the vehicle density index. "Right now, there are three; maybe we will see later. We have first to calculate the mobility index needed by the gage anywhere. We will also ask the Transportation Service (Dishub DKI) for advice on adding two or three. "It depends on the congestion index, so it is not just because of the visuals, but because the location is crowded," he concluded.
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