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Digital Infrastructure Prepared to Develop AI Tech in Indonesia

By Pramudita Senin, 09 Desember 2024 Pengunjung (213) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Ministry of Communication and Digital said that digital infrastructure and community readiness are the main foundations in facing the era of artificial intelligence (AI) in Indonesia.

“We are all aware that AI technology cannot develop without a solid infrastructure. The digital infrastructure is the main foundation to support data management and AI development,” says Minister of Communication and Digital Meutya Hafid on Wednesday (12/4/2024).

She stated that AI technology is dependent on strong digital infrastructure. These infrastructures include stable internet networks, high-speed computing, and large data centers which will play a vital role in processing and analyzing large amounts of data and training AI models.

The government, says Meutya, has launched several major projects in the last five years to build digital communication infrastructure covering three levels, namely backbone, middle mile, and last mile.

At the backbone level, the government has deployed the Palapa Ring fiber optic cable network along 12,229 km, covering land and sea areas.

At the middle mile level, the Satria I multifunctional satellite project has been operating with a capacity of 150 Gbps, reaching more than 4,000 public service points, with a target of 37,000 points by 2025.

Meanwhile, the infrastructure at the last mile level is realized through the construction of more than 7,000 Base Transceiver Stations (BTS), including 5,618 4G BTS. In addition, the government also provides internet access at almost 19,000 public service points.

Moreover, the government is also preparing a national data center to support the One Data Indonesia program. According to Meutya, this data center will facilitate the management and utilization of valid and sustainable data, which is very important for the development of AI in various sectors.

"This digital infrastructure sector must be strengthened to ensure that AI technology can develop optimally and provide benefits evenly to all levels of society," explained Minister Meutya

Furthermore, the government is also focusing on the development of digital talent, which is an important aspect in preparing the Indonesian people to face this major change.


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