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FGD Held to Anticipate the Inflation in West Nusa Tenggara

By Cpiet Jumat, 09 September 2022 Pengunjung (7) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id –  The West Nusa Tenggara Regional Police held Focus Group Discussion (FGD) in anticipating the inflation due to the increase in fuel price. This step was taken to ensure the security and order in the region. The FGD was held at Sasana Dharma Building of West Nusa Tenggara Police HQ and involved the ranks of police resorts throughout West Nusa Tenggara through Zoom Meeting. Other than police personnel, the FGD also invites university students, youth organizations, fishermen, and the community. Meanwhile, the speakers for the FGD were from Social Service Office, Pertamina, Post Indonesia, the Supreme Audit Institution, and the NTB Police itself. The Director of Community Development of NTB Police, Commissioner Dessy Ismail, as one of the speakers in the FGD, stated that the program was held to discuss how to anticipate the inflation due to the increase in fuel in price in NTB. They discussed about the government policies that affects the community and also how to sends out the provisions to the people who truly need it. “Most of our disccussion is about the issue in helping the community by cash,” he said. He wants related parties who are directly related to Social Assistance Office to verify the data so that the assistance is right on target. Like the Social Service Office and PT Pos Indonesia, which directly involved with the provisions. "We are ready to helpm because we have a network to the countryside," he explained. The FGD was welcomed by senior activist who now serves as the chairman of APKLI NTB, Abdul Majid MB. Majid wants this kind of programs continue to be intensified so that the people would know everything necessary regarding this issue. “This is a good step taken by the police. Now we know what is truly happening and what are they doing in handling this issue,” he said. “I think this kind of program should be intensified so that we know what and how the government works,” he concluded.
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