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In collaboration with the Nature Conservation Agency (BKSDA), Bengkulu Regional Police Uncovers the Hunting of Endangered Species

By Cpiet Jumat, 14 Mei 2021 Pengunjung (18) 1 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - Bengkulu. As a response to the trend of hunting endangered species, Bengkulu Regional Police collaborated with BKSDA to fight the practice. Lately, a viral photo of an eagle on a facebook account belongs to Lailatur Azhar, a village leader of Lekat Kota Village, Hulu Palik Sub-District, North Bengkulu Regency that reaped the spotlight. The account was flooded with comments after Lailatur Azhar uploaded the picture of the hunted bird. Wearing the ceremonial cap of village officials, one uploaded picture depicted him holding a gun in an orange-brown striped shirt belong to a popular mass organization. Meanwhile, another photo depicted a bird with its legs tied. Showing sharp eyes staring at the camera, the eagle spread its wings to show its resistance. Though the post received many laugh reactions as the uploaded bird was an owl, the number of accounts sneered the village leader’s act.
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