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Indonesia Build Southeast Journalist Hub to Share, Exchange, or Amplified News Around the Region

By Cpiet Rabu, 06 September 2023 Pengunjung (7) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. In one of the ASEAN Summit events, Indonesia pledges to build journalist hub to share, exchange, or amplified news around Southeast Asia. This hub is an actual part of effort for the news offices in Southeast Asia to realize media vision that is people centered, Tuesday (9/5/2023). This was conveyed by Minister of Communication and Information, Budi Arie. He said that in realizing the vision they formed the Southeast Asia journalist hub called ASEAN Newsroom Corner. The hub was suggested by Indonesia through Lembaga Kantor Berita Negara (LKBN) Antara. It would also make the news office in South Asia to be able expand their news coverage. “This step is to improve our awareness and community participation in all of ASEAN agenda. With the value of people centered, we hope that it could foster the togetherness of people in Southeast Asia,” says Budi. Through ASEAN Newsroom Corner, the cooperation between news office of state members could be further strengthen due to information exchange or amplification. Moreover, with this new vision, it could further expand various programs, performances, and achievements in South Asia with actual, factual, and reliable news. The ASEAN Newsroom will not only operate during or just for ASEAN Summit, but will continue to operate in giving information regarding the region even after the meetings. Later on, the ASEAN Newsroom Corner will be in LKBN Antara office and will be the South Asia journalist hub. The Lead Director of LKBN Antara Akhmad Munir says the ASEAN Newsroom Center will be the place to work and exchange ideas which goes beyond language barrier. “Our goal is clear, which is to become the bridge between countries, making the challenges clear for us to overcome, and build a mutual sense of belonging between ASEAN communities,” says Munir.
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