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INP and US Embassy to Improve the Police English Proficiency

By Cpiet Kamis, 02 Februari 2023 Pengunjung (17) 1 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id – Denpasar. The Indonesian National Police (INP) and the US Embassy in Indonesia have collaborated to improve the English proficiency of a number of police officers in Bali. The collaboration, aimed at improving the language skills of the police force, was disclosed during a visit to the Bali Police Headquarters in Denpasar by a representative of the US Embassy and the Head of the INP Education and Training Institute. "We want the Bali Police officers to develop their proficiency and  competence in English," said Edward Wiley, a representative of the US Embassy, as reported by antaranews.com on Wednesday (1/2/23).  Meanwhile, Head of the Police Language School of INP Education and Training Institution Police Senior Superintendent Dhani Hernando added that the collaboration is to be conducted at the police offices in Denpasar, Gianyar, Badung, Tabanan, and Bangli.  The training is expected to boost the communication capabilities of the police in Bali and to support their professional development. (my/hn/um)
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