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INP Clamp Down on Airsoft Guns Use Ahead of 2024 Elections

By Cpiet Rabu, 11 Oktober 2023 Pengunjung (7) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Indonesian National Police (INP) Headquarters  has initiated a crackdown on the possession and use of airsoft guns ahead of the 2024 General Elections.
"We are making every effort to prevent any misuse of airsoft guns during the campaign and on election day to ensure a safe and smooth electoral process," said First Inspector Azwar Nur, a member of the INP's State Intelligence and Security Directorate  during a press briefing in Jakarta on Tuesday (10/10/2023). He emphasized the need to prevent any potential misuse of airsoft guns by individuals during campaign events or even as a means of threatening rival candidates due to dissatisfaction with the election results. The prevention  involves verifying the legality of permits for owning and using these weapons with local police departments. "We are vigilant and aim to prevent any situation where airsoft guns might be brought to campaign events and used to threaten candidates," Inspector Azwar was quoted by antaranews.com as saying. The use of airsoft guns has been a serious concern for the INP Headquarters due to numerous reported cases of their misuse in acts of violence, extortion, theft, intimidation, and robbery. While these replica firearms may not be lethal, Inspector Azwar explained that they can cause severe injuries or even permanent disability if they come into contact with a person's eyes. He pointed out that individuals carrying replica firearms like airsoft guns while committing criminal acts can induce fear in their victims, as there is often little visual distinction between airsoft guns and real firearms. He emphasized the potential for psychological trauma resulting from the misuse of these replica firearms. "As we approach the 2024 elections, we hope that enthusiasts of shooting sports will adhere to regulations governing the ownership and use of airsoft guns to maintain security and order," Azwar added.
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