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INP Collaborates with Media and Influencers to Raise Awareness on 2023 Homecoming

By Cpiet Selasa, 11 April 2023 Pengunjung (5) 2 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. As the homecoming draws near, the Indonesian National Police (INP) has implemented a series of measures to ensure a smooth and safe journey for those who travelling home. One of these measures includes partnering with both mass media and social media influencers.

"We are committed to enhancing collaboration with national and local TV and radio media connected along the homecoming route," said the Head of Public Relations of INP Inspector General Sandi Nugraha on Monday (10/4/2023).

The objective of this collaboration is to disseminate extensive information to the public regarding the annual exodus. Furthermore, public awareness campaigns will be carried out to educate people about essential factors to consider when traveling during the homecoming period, he added.

To achieve this, the INP will engage community leaders, influencers, and public figures through social media. The effort will also aim to optimize the roles of the Head of Territorial Unit (Satwil) and Public Security and Order Supervising Officer (Bhabinkamtibmas) in preparing appropriate public communication narratives to inform the public.

"We are preparing both manual and digital pocketbooks, video screens, and Kamtibmas messages through WhatsApp and SMS blasts, as well as establishing an information and complaint call center," he said.

Furthermore, he stated that INP will collaborate with related stakeholders to undertake various measures, including anticipating security and comfort preparations along the homecoming route, transportation modes, food prices, and social assistance schemes.

"The purpose of these efforts is to ensure that the public can experience the joy of the Eid al-Fitr homecoming in 2023," he concluded.


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