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Police Prepare Homecoming Escorts After Getting Off the Ship

By Cpiet Selasa, 11 April 2023 Pengunjung (5) 1 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Banten. The Chief of Indonesian National Police (INP) General Listyo Sigit Prabowo accompanied PMK Minister, Muhadjir Effendi; Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi; The Commander of Indonesian National Armed Forces, Admiral Yudo Margono; and other officials in reviewing readiness for the 2023 Eid homecoming at Merak Port, Banten.

The National Police Chief explained, in securing homecoming this time there would be members escorting travelers after they got off from Bakauheni Port or Panjang Port. This is for the sake of preventing the occurrence of vulnerabilities on the Sumatran route which people often complain about.

"We are preparing guard day or night, so there is no risk, especially after leaving Bakauheni to their respective areas," said General Sigit during a survey at Merak Harbor, Monday (23/10/4).

According to General Sigit, if people feel they need an escort when they go to Ciwandan and Merak Ports, this can also be done. He confirmed that he had ordered all of his staff who were on the crossing route to check for vulnerability.

"The public is also asked to provide information," said General Sigit.


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