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INP Preparation to Secure the 79th Indonesian Independence Day in IKN

By Cpiet Kamis, 15 Agustus 2024 Pengunjung (38) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Indonesian National Police (INP) continue to prepare for the upcoming 79th Indonesian Independence Day Ceremony to ensure its smooth event.

Head of INP Public Information Bureau Brigadier General Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko says that they will work together with the military to ensure the security of the event.

“Personnel and equipment of East Kalimantan Regional Police who have been involved in VIP and VVIP security activities will work together with Mulawarman 6 Regional Military Command,” said Trunoyudo on Tuesday (8/13/2024).

Trunoyudo further reveals that East Kalimantan Regional police have deployed around 1,013 personnel for the VIP and VVIP security. The thousand personnel will be divided into seven task forces for intensified routine activities.

He adds that security will not only be provided to the guests, but also the region from natural disasters.

On the other hand, in securing the route to IKN, police have deployed 898 personnel to be stationed at road intersections and posts. The posts were set up at places considered prone to congestion.

Furthermore, there are also 87 four-wheeled vehicles and 31 two-wheeled vehicles prepared for escorts and security.

“All vehicles have been through thorough review to ensure that they are all in prime condition,” states Trunoyudo.

In ensuring public security and order at the city, police continue to collaborate and coordinate with all related stakeholders.


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