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Kendari Arrested A Drug Dealer and Confiscated 11kg of Methamphetamine

By Cpiet Senin, 07 Maret 2022 Pengunjung (7) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - Kendari. A drug dealer with the initials FM (42) was arrested by the police at his residence in Kendari City, Southeast Sulawesi. The police confiscated 1,110 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine as evidence. "The police secured 43 sachets of methamphetamine in clear plastic weighing 11,10 kilograms," stated Director of the Directorate of Drug Investigation (Diresnarkoba) of the Southeast Sulawesi Regional Police (Polda Sultra) Commissioner M. Eka Faturrahman, S.I.K., Sunday (6/3/22). Diresnarkoba Sultra added that the police arrested the perpetrator at his residence in West Kendari District, Kendari City on Sunday (6/3) at 15:10 WITA. However, the police did not find any evidence in his house. After interrogating the drug dealer, the perpetrator admitted that the illicit goods were stored in an empty house rented by the perpetrator in one of the housing estates in Kambu District, Kendari City. "The police immediately searched the empty house rented by the perpetrator. As a result, evidence was found stored under a sofa," he explained. The perpetrator admitted that he had obtained the drugs through a network outside the region. "The perpetrator admitted that the methamphetamine was obtained through a cross-provincial network," he explained. After getting the evidence, the police took the perpetrator to the Southeast Sulawesi Regional Police Headquarters to investigate the case further. In addition to 11,10 kilograms of methamphetamine, the police also confiscated 1 cell phone, 1 digital weigher, 2 green plastic spoons, 2 white plastic spoons, 1 bag, 1 pair of scissors, 1 suitcase, and 2,245 empty sachets. various sizes. The perpetrators will be charged with Article 114 Paragraph (2) Subsidee Article 112 Paragraph (2) RI Law Number 35 the Year 2009 concerning Narcotics.
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