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Kompolnas Confirms No Warning Shots Given When Dispersing Brawl in Bekasi

By Pramudita Jumat, 27 September 2024 Pengunjung (14) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The National Police Commission (Kompolnas) confirmed that there were no warning shots from the police when breaking up teenagers who were about to brawl in one of the huts near Kali Bekasi. This was confirmed after Kompolnas supervised the handling of the case at the Bekasi City Sub-regional Police.

Kompolnas Commissioner Poengky Indrarti said that this was confirmed after the statements of several witnesses in the police investigation report (BAP).

"From the information we have gathered, there were no shots or warning shots," she said on Thursday (9/26/2024).

She emphasized that Kompolnas supports the police to continue routine patrols to prevent brawls and street crimes. According to her, police must continue to be the protectors and guardians of the community.

"We actually hope that parents can ensure that their children are safe at home at night until morning, so that the children are safe from criminal activities," she said.


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