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Kompolnas to Assure Elections Security Preparation in the Hague

By Cpiet Senin, 29 Januari 2024 Pengunjung (32) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - The Hague. The National Police Commission (Kompolnas) delegation paid a visit to the Indonesian Embassy in the Netherlands to inspect the security preparation of the 2024 elections in the country. Led by Prof. Dr Albertus Wahyurudhanto, the delegation included commissioners Inspector General (ret.) Pudji Hartanto Iskandar, Dr Yusuf Warsyim, Mohammad Dawam, Poengky Indarti, and Brigadier General Musa Ikipson Tampubolon. The delegation was welcomed by the Indonesian Deputy Ambassador to the Netherlands, Freddy Panggabean as well as Police Attaches Senior Superintendent Fıbri Karpiananto and Senior Superintendent  Deny Manalu. During the visit, the Kompolnas  delegation was informed that the Indonesian Overseas Election Commission (PPLN) in the Hague had formed the election organizing committee, including the election supervisory body (Panwaslu) and the supervisors at the polling station level. The Hague organizing committee has recorded more than 13,000 voters in the Permanent Voters List, making it a significant voting block in the Netherlands. Commissioner Yusuf said in a statement on Sunday (27/1/2024) that security for this year's elections in the Netherlands must be a top priority. Commissioner Pudji suggested that Kompolnas proposal to  assist the president in determining the policy direction of the Indonesian National Police (INP), particularly in strengthening the organizational structure, human resources and budget for the INP units at the police attachés in all embassies need to be seriously considered. Meanwhile, Commissioner Dawam hoped that any potential security disturbances during the elections in the Netherlands could be anticipated and predicted as early as possible. "Therefore, the policy of strengthening the security of the election in the Netherlands by adding INP members through the INP Headquarters is, in our opinion, a relevant and timely policy," he asserted. Deputy Ambassador  Panggabean expressed his agreement, considering the importance of the INP existence and role, acknowledging many issues related to transnational crime, drug crime, cybercrime, financial crime between countries and others that diplomats could not handle. "The policy of strengthening Police Attaches is a relevant and much needed policy," he said. (mg/inp/pr/nm)
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