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Manpower Ministry to Focus Expanding the Internship Program Abroad

By Admin INP Sabtu, 15 Maret 2025 Pengunjung (47) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Minister of Manpower Yassierli says that the internship program abroad is one of the priority programs of his party.

Yassierli says that his party will continue to work on expanding the internship program for the Indonesian students.

According to Yassierli, the internship participants can be considered as one of the “Indonesian Ambassadors” abroad, thus they have to pay attention to four aspects.

First is to maintain the good name of Indonesia. According to Yassierli, when in a foreign country, people tend to judge others based on their origins, making it important to maintain the good reputation of Indonesia.

“If we can show that we are good people, disciplined, and hard workers, it will definitely further improve our image in the world,” says Yassierli on Thursday (3/13/2025).

Second is using the free time to learn other things outside the internship program. According to him, the internship participant program must be able to explore many things when abroad to further improve themselves.

Third is building good networks and relations while abroad, meeting new friends from abroad or fellow Indonesians in the foreign country. 

Lastly is to maintain the good morals of Indonesia. According to him, Indonesia has Pancasila which guides its people to live with good moralities and dignity.

“Use this chance, opportunity to learn as much as you can. There are many things that you can learn while abroad,” says Yassierli.


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