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Minister Budi Notes Tough Challenges in Electric Vehicles Utilization in the City

By Pramudita Kamis, 29 Agustus 2024 Pengunjung (26) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi remarks the tough challenges in making the electric vehicle as public transportation in the city. It would require solid cooperation with transportation service providers to realize the blue sky program in Jakarta.

“Utilizing electric vehicles as the majority transportation for the people is not an easy task. We have to expand the space for electric vehicles,” said Minister Budi on Monday (8/26/2024).

He notes that to smoothen the use of electric vehicles, the ministry will have to oblige city public transportation to transition their use to electric vehicles. He saw that this first step has been taken with the existence of electric buses, cars, and bikes.

According to him, Grab, as a transportation service provider, supports the government's program to create a pollution-free city.

“Grab has added more than 1,000 electric cars and 10,000 electric bikes,” says Minister Budi.

Noting the many electric vehicles in the city, Minister Budi says the availability of charging stations also needs to be increased.

“I appreciate this step as it would increase the efficiency of electric vehicles and support Jakarta's blue sky program,” concludes Minister Budi.


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