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Papua Still Part of Indonesia and ULMWP Claims did Not Reflect the General Public Opinion: Max Abner Ohee

By Cpiet Minggu, 14 Januari 2024 Pengunjung (19) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id – Papua. A cotroversial claim published by United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) who states the majority of Papuans yearn for independence from Indonesia. Claim received stern reply from Max Abner Ohee, Chairperson of Barisan Merah Putih Central Management Board (DPP) by saying those did not reflect the general public of Papua. The Executive Secretary of ULMWP, Markus Haluk, says that Papua has been colonized for over six decades and the majority of Papuans supports the separatist movement. However, Max Abner Ohee said that those are indeed false and did not reflect the reality. According to Max, many societal elements of Papua have a different view than those of ULMWP and fully supports being part of Indonesians. In his strong crtique to ULMWP, Max Abner Ohee highlights the claim relating to the current situation of how intense and organized Papua currently is. Max says that the statement did not consider the negative impact of the conflict towards the Papuans, particularly those caused by the Armed Criminal Group (KKB). Max also believe that police quick actions againts Muhammad Iqbal case after his controversial social media post recently demonstrates Indonesian security officials commitment in national safety and unity. "The solidarity in social media, as was seen in this case, did not only exposed the concerning situations in Papua, but also highlights the importance in safeguarding national stability," says Max on Friday (1/12/2024). Although world human rights activist such as Peter Gary Tatchell also voiced his support for Papua Independence, Max stressed that those view should be considered merely as one of global diverse views and did not directly reflects the general public Papua. As a unit who tackles various of issues in Papua, Max invites the public to not be proved by the ULMWP self-claim. (ad/ri/pr/nm)
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