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Pasuruan Mayor Appreciates the Pencak Silat Tournament Held by the Resort Police

By Cpiet Selasa, 06 September 2022 Pengunjung (5) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - The Pasuruan City Police held a Pencak Silat tournament. The Pasuruan City Police Chief Cup 2022, which was held at GOR Sanika Satyawada, is a place for the younger generation to show their aptitude in Pencak Silat and talents in martial arts. There are 18 martial arts school from the City/Regency of Pasuruan that participated in this tournament. With the successful of the tournament, Mayor of Pasuruan Syaifullah Yusuf and the Pasuruan City Regional Leadership Coordination Forum appreciated the Pasuruan City Police Chief Cup 2022. "We really appreciate this pencak silat championship, because this is certainly a very positive activity for the young people, especially those in preparing themselves for the upcoming championships," explained Syaifullah Yusuf. "We know that pencak silat is an original Indonesian culture and art, but many other countries are also interested in this martial art," said the Mayor of Pasuruan. "This competition is the first step and a means of choosing the best talents for fighters in Pasuruan City to represent us in the event of the East Java Pencak Silat Provincial Tournament 2022," adds Syaifullah Yusuf. According to the Mayor, in this championship they could find new talents of pencak silat fighters in Pasuruan City, which could represent Pasuruan in winning puncak silat tournaments, whether at the provincial or national level. He also considered that this activity as one of the steps to revive the sports activities post Covid-19. "Hopefully they could become a representative both for Pasuruan at the provincial, national, and even international pencak silat tournaments," concluded the Pasuruan City Police Chief.
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