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Polda NTB Advised The Society To Be Wise in Buying Cooking Oil Online

By Cpiet Jumat, 11 Maret 2022 Pengunjung (7) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id – NTB. The scarcity of cooking oil has made the West Nusa Tenggara Provincial Police (Polda NTB) urge the public to be selective when buying cooking oil on social media. "Be careful with the scam of online cooking oil sales. Be wise and selective," stated the Director of the Special Crime Investigation Unit (Dirreskrimsus) of Polda NTB, Commissioner I Gusti Putu Gede Ekawana, Thursday (11/3/22). The police are now investigating the online scam of cooking oil. There are even several sellers of cooking oil on social media that have been already monitored by the police. "We are investigating the methods," said Dirreskrimsus of Polda NTB Meanwhile, the Head of the Sub-Division of Industry, Trade and Investment (Indagsi) of Ditreskrimsus Polda NTB, Commissioner Gede Harimbawa, also ensured that his party continued to monitor the stock and price of cooking oil in the field. The monitoring is carried out with the NTB Food Task Force, towards the sales chain from wholesale distributors to retail traders in modern retail and traditional markets. Efforts to prevent hoarding and price-fixing are also a concern of the food task force team. "So far we haven't found anything. But the stock of cooking oil entering NTB is currently limited. Less than before" explained the Head of Sub-Section of Ditreskrimsus Polda NTB. Although limited, the Head of Sub Division Ditreskrimsus Polda NTB ensures that the current stock can still support the needs of the people of NTB. Regarding prices, his party still found the selling price was still in line with the government's stipulation, which is Rp14,000 per liter for packaging and Rp11,500 for the bulk cooking oil. "But it doesn't matter because it is still within the capability of the community. The increase is around Rp1,000 per liter," explained the Head of Sub-Section (Indagsi) of the NTB Police Ditreskrimsus.
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