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Police Named Tanjungpinang Acting Regent Involved in Land Certificate Forgery

By Cpiet Selasa, 23 April 2024 Pengunjung (11) 1 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id – Bintan. Bintan Sub-regional Police, Superintendent Riky Iswoyo says the Acting Regent of Tanjungpinang Hasan is threatened with 8 years of imprisonment after being named as the land certificate forgery case suspect.

Riky says that his party continues to re-summon the acting regent for further examination. Previously, Hasan has been summoned by the investigator as a witness for the case.

“We have not arrested the suspect due to him being cooperative in our case investigation process,” said Riky.

The acting governor of Tanjungpinang has been determined as suspect along with two other suspects initialed R and B for land certificate forgery of PT Bintan Property Indo in Bintan Regency.

Police determined the suspect after the investigation result was revealed, followed by an open case session by Riau Island Regional Police.


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