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Police Officer Injured by Arrow in Clash with Mob in Tolikara

By Cpiet Kamis, 14 Desember 2023 Pengunjung (8) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Jayapura. In a violent confrontation, Second Brigadier Muhammad Sultan, an officer of the Tolikara Sub-Regional Police, was injured by an arrow during a security operation at the Office of Community and Village Empowerment (DPMK) in Tolikara on Tuesday. Tolikara Sub-regional Police Chief Superintendent Achmad Fauzan confirmed that the incident took place at 9.15 am when 13 police officers were securing the disbursement of village funds at the DPMK office. "The situation escalated when a resident, identified as LY, confronted the Head of the DPMK over an official letter. After a verbal exchange, LY returned with about 30 people, leading to a blockade with wood and burning tyres," he said on Wednesday (13/12/20230) Tensions rose further at 5:30 pm when the crowd grew to around 150 people, refusing to negotiate and confronting security forces in an anarchic manner. "Despite warning shots, the crowd persisted. In the chaos, Second Brigadier Muhammad Sultan was hit by an arrow in his right thigh," said Chief Fauzan. The security personnel, supported by the Indonesian Military and the Mobile Brigade Bomb Squad, withdrew and took the injured officer to Karubaga Regional Hospital for medical treatment. Once the situation was under control, the blockade was lifted. "The victim was evacuated to Wamena Regional Hospital in Jayawijaya Regency for further medical treatment," Chief Fauzan added. The Tolikara Police Chief said that an investigation was underway, underlining his commitment to maintaining order and resolving the case within the law. (mg/inp/pr/nm)
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