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Six Prone Polling Stations in Jakarta are in East Jakarta

By Pramudita Selasa, 26 November 2024 Pengunjung (166) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Head of Metro Jaya Regional Police, Inspector General Karyoto notes that his personnel will secure 32,570 polling stations in the Jakarta Regional Head Election process. Of the thousands of polling stations in Jakarta, police divided them into four classifications, which is vulnerable, prone, less vulnerable, and special.

“According to our classifications, there are 32,187 less vulnerable polling stations, 330 vulnerable polling stations, six prone polling stations, and 47 special polling stations," explained the Metro Jaya Regional Police Chief during the Joint TNI-Polri Roll Call in the Framework of Securing the Voting and Vote Counting Stages at Monas on Monday (11/25/2024).

The Head of Metro Jaya Regional Public Relations, Senior Superintendent Ade Ary Syam adds that six prone polling stations are in East Jakarta and Kepulauan Seribu. The vulnerability is based on socio-demographic and geographic factors.

"Five in East Jakarta, one in Seribu Island," he said.

Ade said that the security patterns carried out at polling stations with categories of less vulnerable, vulnerable, prone, and special are different. Special TPS themselves are those located in detention centers, prisons, and detention cells at each police station.


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