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Supporting Food Security, NTT Bhayangkari Utilized Official Residence Backyards

By Admin INP Senin, 10 Februari 2025 Pengunjung (95) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - East Nusa Tenggara. In order to support the government's Asta Cita President’s program related to National Food Security, the Chairwoman of the East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Regional Bhayangkari, Kathy DTM. Silitonga, together with other Bhayangkari administrators, utilized empty land in the yard of the official police residence for the Sustainable Food Yard Program (P2L), Friday (2/7/2025).

This activity includes planting and maintaining gardens with various types of vegetables, such as chilies, eggplants, and spinach. This program aims to increase food availability, optimize the use of idle land, and invite the community to be more active in farming as an effort to realize food independence.

Kathy emphasized that this activity demonstrates Bhayangkari's support for government policies in maintaining food security.

"Through this program, we want to provide a real example to the community that utilizing empty land for farming can help meet family food needs. In addition, the harvest can later be enjoyed by members and the surrounding community," said Kathy.

Kathy also invites the community not to hesitate in utilizing their yards as an alternative food source. In addition to increasing the availability of healthy food for families, this activity can also reduce dependence on food from outside and foster independent and sustainable living habits.


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