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The Government Implores the Farmers to Follow Their Instruction in Preventing FMD

By Cpiet Kamis, 02 Juni 2022 Pengunjung (9) 3 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id – The Ministry of Agriculture through the Directorate General of Livestock and Animal Health appeal to the public, especially farmers, to take preventive steps in anticipation of the spread of Mouth and Nail Diseases (FMD). This was conveyed by the Director of Animal Health, Nuryani Zainuddin, Monday (30/05/22). The Director of Animal Health, said that some of the steps he appealed to farmers is by not bringing in new livestock, especially from outbreak areas and limiting the access to the pen. “For farmers whose animals are already infected, they must ensure that their livestock are not going anywhere. Stay in the cage so as not to infect other farms. Officers will provide veterinary drugs such as vitamins to restore the livestock's health, "explained the Director of Animal Health. Director of Animal Health, added that spraying cages, vehicles, equipment and work equipment with disinfectants needs to be done regularly. Then farmers are advised not to sell their sick cattle because the mortality rate for adult animals is relatively low (1–5%), although it can be higher for young cattle. Furthermore, the Director of Animal Health also suggested that farmers should also increase the immunity of the livestock by improving the food quality and providing supportive therapy and veterinary drugs such as vitamins and minerals. "It should be remembered that FMD is not a zoonosis, but is very easily transmitted to even-toed ungulates such as cattle, buffalo, sheep, goats and pigs as well as other split-hoofed animals," explained the Director of Animal Health. The authorities found virus particles in the air exhaled by infected animals, saliva, milk, urine, feces, semen, fluid from vesicles, to the fluid excreted when cattle miscarry. “The FMD virus can infect other animals through direct contact with infected animals, especially through aerosols, and contaminated objects such as clothing, shoes and vehicles. Farmers should know things like this,” explained the Director of Animal Health. The Director of Animal Health, also appealed to breeders to immediately report to local livestock officers if there were livestock showing clinical symptoms leading to FMD, such as the appearance of blisters or vesicles and/or skin erosions on the nose, tongue, lips, in the oral cavity both on the gums and inner cheeks, between the nails and on the udder. “The role of farmers to participate in helping prevent the spread of FMD by following the instructions and suggestions of our officers in the field will greatly assist the handling of this disease. After the vaccine arrives in the near future we will vaccinate it,” explained the Director of Animal Health.
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