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Wakapolda Riau Appreciates The Enthusiasm of Vaccine Participants in Pelalawan

By Cpiet Kamis, 10 Maret 2022 Pengunjung (13) 3 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - Pekanbaru. Riau Police Deputy Chief (Wakapolda Riau) Brigadier General Drs. Tabana Bangun, M.Sc., appreciate the enthusiasm of people in Pelalawan, while directly inspecting of Mass Vaccination in Pelalawan. The appreciation was conveyed while reviewing the implementation of mass vaccination at Taruna Andalan Elementary School, Town Site II PT. RAPP, Pangkalan Kerinci, Pelalawan Regency, Thursday (10/3/22). While visiting Taruna Andalan Elementary School, Wakapolda Riau was greeted by the Forkompinda of Pelalawan Regency, from the Head of the Pelalawan Police (Kapolres Palalawa) AKBP Guntur Muhammad Tariq, S.I.K., the Regent of Pelalawan, H. Zukri Misran, and other Pelalawan Regency government officials. His visit was started with a Video Conference Zoom Meeting, led by the National Police Chief, Drs. Listyo Sigit Prabowo, M.Sc., regarding the simultaneous implementation of Mass National Vaccination throughout Indonesia. Then Wakapolda Riau continued his activity by doing a vaccination review, where the people of Pelalawan enthusiastically came to the mass vaccination booth. Seeing this, Wakapolda Riau gave his appreciation to those who carried out mass vaccinations in Pelalawan, because they were able to make people flock to be vaccinated. "Industrial areas in this pandemic era must be in top shape, and this is our shared responsibility, especially in the Pelalwan area," said Wakapolda Riau. He believes that if the condition of the people in Pelalawan is good, it will deliver a big impact on the wider community. This will also prove to be very profitable for Pelalawan Regency which is one of the economic sectors for Riau. "The implementation of vaccination in Pelalawan is to be carried out optimally," said Wakapolda Riau. AKBP Guntur Muhammad Tariq, S.I.K., expressed his gratitude to all parties who have supported the acceleration of mass vaccination in Pelalawan. "We would like to thank all parties who have helped accelerate the vaccination in Pelalawan, especially people who are enthusiastic in participating in the vaccination program. All of this thanks to the socialization and education efforts that we have done together so far," said Kapolres Pelalawan. “If all parties support the government’s program, and are willing to carry out vaccination, Pelalawan Regency will soon achieve the vaccination target as desired by the government. To achieve this, we all have to work together to make Pelalawan a better place, and free from Covid-19," concluded Kapolres Pelalawan. During the visit of Wakapolda Riau, he is accompanied by Karo Ops of the Riau Police, Kombes Pol. Raden Kasero Manggalo, M.H., M.Sc., Head of ICT Riau Police, Kombes Pol. Wahyu Prihatmaka, S.H., Head of Health Department of the Riau Police, Kombes Pol. Dr. Aris Budiyanto, Sp. THT-KL., and Director of Drug Investigation of Riau, Kombes Pol. Yos Guntur Yudi Fauris Susanto SH., S.I.K., MH.
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