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Collaboration of All Stakeholders is Important to Combat Drug Flow: BNN Says

By Cpiet Jumat, 19 Juli 2024 Pengunjung (16) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Main Inspector of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN), Wahyono says that all stakeholders have to strengthen their effort in eradicating drug flows in the country.

“Right now, BNN has conveyed the message to the government, religious figures, local figures, educational institutions, private companies, media, and others, to combat drug flow and its misuse,” said Wahyono on Wednesday (7/17/2024).

He saw that solid collaboration from all parties in combating drugs will guarantee the future of the state.

Furthermore, strengthening collaboration with all elements is also important due to the nature of drug crimes is not only a matter of law enforcement, but also includes the aspect of social culture, economy, and even politics.

“This means that the handling of drug issues is not enough to only be focused on law enforcement. We have to pay attention to another aspect that may become the background and motive behind this problem,” explained Wahyono.

According to the results of a survey on the prevalence of drug abuse in 2023, the prevalence rate of drug use is 1.73 percent or around 3.33 million people, where the majority of drug abusers' motives are because of curiosity and friendship factors.

Inspector Wahyono said that the survey on the prevalence of drug abuse also showed that drug abuse among the younger generation 15 to 24 years old continued to increase.


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