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Jokowi Instills Fire on the National Education Day

By Cpiet Kamis, 02 Mei 2024 Pengunjung (25) 1 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id – Jakarta. President Joko Widodo hopes all parties are continuously motivated in advancing and developing education in every initiative developed.

The hopes are conveyed by the President through his official Instagram social media account @jokowi, during the National Education Day on May 2nd.

“We have to be motivated in developing our education in every initiative and technology we invented,” said Jokowi on Thursday (5/2/2024).

Jokowi says that from the era of Ki Hajar Dewantara to the current digital era, the education sector continues to develop and adapt. Jokowi wished all Indonesians a Happy National Education Day.

“Happy National Education Day,” said Jokowi.

National Education Day is a national day set by the government to commemorate the birth day of Ki Hajar Dewantara as the pioneering figure in education in Indonesia.


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