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President Appoints Saifullah Yusuf Following Risma Resignation for Election

By Pramudita Kamis, 12 September 2024 Pengunjung (50) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo appoints Saifullah Yusuf as the definitive Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) replacing Tri Rismaharani who is running in the 2024 Regional Head Election.

The appointment of Syaifullah Yusuf was held at the State Palace in Jakarta, in accordance with Presidential Decree Number 102B 2024 concerning the Appointment of the Minister of Social Affairs of the 2019-2024 Advanced Indonesia Cabinet.

“In the name of God I vow that I will be loyal to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and will carry out all statutory regulations for the sake of my service to the nation and state,” vows Saifullah during his oath of office.

The new Social Minister Syaifullah also pledges that he will uphold the office ethics, work to the best of his ability, with a full sense of responsibility.

Social Minister Syaifullah or familiarly called Gus Ipul is a politician who currently serves as the Mayor of Pasuruan. He also sits as Secretary General of the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU).


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