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Padang City Departmental Police Conducted FGD on Counter-radicalism with the Tigo Tungku Sajarangan

By Cpiet Jumat, 15 Oktober 2021 Pengunjung (5) 2 Mins Read
Tribratanews.polri.go.id - Padang. Padang City Departmental Police conducted a focused group discussion (FGD) on Counter-radicalism with the Tigo Tungku Sajarangan in Padang. The event was opened by the Chief of Resources Department of Padang City Departmental Police, Police Commissioner Dasman, at the Tuah Sakato Hall of Padang City Departmental Police at M Yamin street, West Padang district, Padang city, on Thursday morning (14/10). The event was attended by Chief of Unit Information Section of Public Information Bureau of PR and Press Division of Indonesian National Police, Police Grand Commissioner Hendra Rochmawan, Chief of Interior Partners Subsection of Public Information Bureau of PR and Press Division of Indonesian National Police, Police Grand Commissioner Attendant Sugeng Prayitno, Daily Manager of Extremism and Terrorism Countermeasures Board of Central Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), Muhammad Makmur Rasyid. Meanwhile, the Tigo Tungku Sajarangan was represented by Head of Padang MUI, Ganefri, Secretary of LKAM of West Sumatra, M Natsir, Pastor of the Cathedral, Toto Fuji, Religious Affairs Offices of all Districts of Padang city and the FGD attendees. Chief of Resources Department of Padang City Departmental Police said that this FGD is the Chief of Indonesian National Police programme on how all elements communicates between the religious, youth, and traditional figures of Padang city. "This activity is conducted to receive suggestions and inputs from the religious, youth, and traditional figures of Padang city", he said. Meanwhile, Police Grand Commissioner Hendra Rochmawan, as the Head of the PR and Press Division team of Indonesian National Police, thanked them for the invitation in this discussion on preventing terrorism. "On terrorism, we have to pay attention and fight it together. Indonesian National Police, especially Counterterrorism Special Detachment 88, keeps working in accordance to their duties, which is preventing and mitigating terrorism", he said. The Daily Manager of Extremism and Terrorism Countermeasures Board of Central MUI said that terrorism virus is easy to possess human's mind. Now, the space terrorists are being used is the social media networks. "People involved in terrorism are mainly the smart ones", he concluded.
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